Mr. Fortier
sfortier@laconiaschools.org Résumé
(603) 524-4113 ext. 1219
Samuel Fortier is currently in his eighth year as a Music Educator in the Laconia, NH School District and is currently as the Music Teacher at Elm Street School. Mr. Fortier was also appointed Director of the District Elementary Band in 2016.
Mr. Fortier is a magna cum laude graduate from Plymouth State University, where he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Music Education K-12. Mr. Fortier completed his pre-service teaching experience with student teaching placements at Windham High School in Windham, NH as well as the Barron and Haigh Elementary Schools in Salem, NH. At Windham High School Mr. Fortier worked under the direction of Grammy Award Winning Music Educator, Mr. Jared Cassedy and served as the director of the WHS Brass Choir and Jazz Quintet. In Salem, Mr. Fortier worked with the incredible mentorship of Mrs. Amy Moldoff, at the Haigh Elementary School.
During Mr. Fortier’s time at Plymouth, he performed in a wide variety of instrumental and vocal ensembles and in 2014, Sam performed at Carnegie Hall in New York City. Sam served as the Student Assistant of Bands from 2012-2014 under Dr. Mark Stickney, and has been a featured guest conductor for the University Symphonic Band's Concert Rhapsody in Blue as well as for the 2014 All New England Band Festival. Sam has also been a guest conductor for the Chester Academy Concert Band in southern NH. At PSU, Sam studied Trumpet with Gary Corcoran, Bobby Salerno, Fred Sienkiewicz & James Boccia and performed in a master class for David Loucky.
Outside of PSU, Sam holds the position as the Resident Bugler of Fieldstone Show Park in Halifax, MA and the Westbrook Hunt Club in Westbrook, CT. as well as the Official Bugler of the Silver Oak Jumper Tournament and the New Hampshire Hunter Jumper Association. Through these sporting appointments, Sam has been featured on New Hampshire Public Radio (NHPR) and has been seen on the New England Sport Network (NESN). In 2014, Sam was selected as a member of the New England Intercollegiate Band at Gordon College, MA. Sam was also a member of the rock collective Pardon the Spins from 2012-2014.